Coffee Morning

Spring Coffee Morning raises over £600

Wimborne in Bloom Spring Coffee Morning returned on Saturday (20th May).The first to be held since 2019, the absence being due to COVID and ill health. It was held at the home of Anthony & Christine Oliver in Park Lane, Wimborne Minster and was attended by around 70 people. The lovely sunny morning enabled the event, which raised £630, to be held largely in the garden. The money will be used towards the cost of providing the plants in the Flower Towers and Planters around the Town this summer. The new Town Mayor Cllr Mrs Diann March attending as one of her first events of the new Mayoral Year drew the raffle.

Thanks were expressed to all those who supported the event, those who donated cakes, raffle prizes, items for the Bring & Buy and Plants for a Sales Table. Thank you also to those who made generous donations as they were unable to attend. "It was great to be able to host the event once again and to have fine weather" said Anthony after the event.

Photo (Courtesy Anthony Oliver) depicts the Mayor Arriving for Coffee with Members of the Committee and other supporters